An eco-district in St Germain-en-Laye

62 housings with BBC Label

Rue St Léger / St Germain-en-Laye

Client: I3F / HDC

Partners: BIG – BET structure

BETIOR – BET ELEC, CVC – Économiste

ANTEA – BET géotechnique

Pénicaud Green Building – BET environnemental

Cost: 8 500 000 €




This operation of residences in social accession and hiring is planned within the framework of an eco-district launched by the Town hall of Saint Germain-in-Laye with a requirement of certification of Buildings Low Consumption for housing.

The project aims at bringing a valuation of the image of a peripheral district of the city, at the bottom of a great unit, while fitting harmoniously in the natural heritage of the city, for the revival of natural spaces like the « Ru of Buzot ».

The biodiversity, the social diversity, the united citizenship and the diversity of the housing constitute the common base of this operation.

This project allowed us to experiment new typologies of the housing with superposition and overlaps of residences as well as a innovating realization, and to look further into our knowledge on the question of the energy performance, the recycling of water, the biotope and the vegetable genius, for the development of streams with hygrophilous plants and gabions.