Project of urban requalification / Cover of the peripheral

Porte d’Ivry / Paris

Client: Mairie de Paris / APUR



Gardens of solidarity and new synergies.

Of Fortifs in Périph,

And of Périph to Festive…

This study allow us to question the future of the last “limit of the Capital of Paris” around the peripherals, and the way in which one did one can build Large Paris with new solidarity, co-educations and coherences territorial?

How to pass from the “Green Belt” of the 20th century, resulting from the demolition of the last fortification, in “Transparc Métroplitain” of the 21st century?

This one must integrate new densities and urban forms, a diversified town nature, modes of different displacements, in a context social and environmental in full change. This strategic study and futurology, carried out in collaboration with the APUR, between the “Porte de Vanves” and the “Porte d’Ivry, made it possible to pose the stakes:

- Grand Paris,

-  Renewal of the Capital,

-  Continuities to be found between city-center and periphery,

- The eco-mobility and the division of space with the arrival of the tram on the boulevard des Maréchaux.